Advanced Instagram Marketing Course : 4 Courses in 1 In this Advanced Instagram Marketing course You will learn how to: Marketing strategies to increase engagement of your page How to convert engagement to followers How to convert followers to email subscribers How to convert subscribers to paying customers In addition as a gift you will also learn: Email marketing List building Creating signup forms Creating landing pages Sales funnels Facebook ads manager 21 Marketing strategies to increase sales (cognitive biases) This Instagram marketing course is in the advanced level and if you do not know the Instagram basics, it is better to learn the basics first. Here we will mostly focus on how to increase engagement and from there sell our product with different strategies. Some of the strategies inside the course is used by ads to increase the followers and subscribers. We will also mention some tools that may be paid but cheap. It is strongly suggested to take a look at the Instagram marketing course content to prepare yourself for what we will learn. These strategies are advanced and proven, so there is no doubt about them. This Instagram marketing course also include premium support for all students, meaning you get the answer of your questions maximum in 12 hours (usually less). You can contact Pouya Eti anytime on Udemy to get advice on Instagram strategies or 1 on 1 mentoring. If you are ready to grow your page, increase engagement and sell your product online or on local stores, JOIN this course " Advanced Instagram Marketing Course : 4 Courses in 1 "now and start today. Before you know it, you will be able to increase the sales of your products. Advanced Instagram Marketing Course : 4 Courses in 1 by Pouya Eti
    BUY THIS COURSE and GET 2 COURSES FOR THE PRICE OF 1!!! Zach Miller’s Course Includes: In this course, you will learn the fundamentals to using Hootsuite to manage your various social media accounts . This is a great tool for anyone managing social media for a company or organization, or for anyone that has a large amount of personal social media accounts. Start from how to set up a free Hoosuite account, then learn how to add all of your social media profiles. Then, you will be instructed on how to post and schedule posts using the program, how to utilize the analytic tools built into the program to measure your social media success, and how to use other great features of the program. Then we'll dive deep into which networks you should be in and the best methods for becoming viral on each network. Not only that, but we'll be including a BONUS SECTION on how to do proper lighting, audio, video for recording. Sasha Miller’s Course Includes: Want to increase traffic to your social pages? Boost your brand awareness? Increase visitor engagement on your social media channels? Maximize the efforts of your paid social advertising campaigns? Then you've found the right gig because it all begins with keyword research! Whether you're an SEO specialist, Social media expert, blogger, or online business owner chances are you need a well-optimized social media presence to gain more visibility, engagement and followers to build your community. Keyword research is the first step to every successful campaign online. Whether it's for niche or market research, product creation, planning a content strategy, Pay-Per-Click advertising, a social media strategy, social media advertising or just about anything else - the first step before creating content or optimization is - KEYWORD RESEARCH! Social Media Shifts A LOT and in a Noisy Marketplace It Can Be Hard to Stand Out That's why it's more important for us to focus on the right keywords (for the right platform) to target the right audience. It's time we work smarter - not harder in our social media marketing efforts. If not, you’ll be stuck pouring a ton of time and energy down the drain. Enroll now and discover: What keyword research is Who needs to perform social media keyword research The benefits of performing keyword research for social media Social media keyword research strategy The best social media keyword research tools Plus so MUCH MORE! Sasha, How Do You Know So Much About Keyword Research? I've been in the SEO-game for about 8 years now. For those 8 years most of my income came from doing keyword research both through my own company and through Freelancing. And I kind of fell in love with it. It allowed me to get to learn about new industries and new products popping up in the marketplace.  While I'm no longer a service provider, I still love keyword research (I'm a nerd I know!) and I use Google's organic search engine every single day which means SEO and keywords are still very important for us to understand as online business workers. Who Will Most Benefit From This Course? People who are just getting started in SEO, blogging, online business or social media will find this course most helpful. Why Is Keyword Research So Important? I don't want to give everything away here but I will share the 3 most important reasons. #1) keyword research allows you to see whether your idea for a business, product, service, ect. will be profitable or not. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people skip keyword research then come back to me 6-12 months later asking for me to do keyword research for more traffic.  If only they would have done niche research and keyword research up front - they could have probably been rank page 1 in Google by now! #2) Keyword research allows you to find out your target customers exact pain-points. This allows you to custom-tailor your site language, products, services, and marketing all around your ideal prospect/customers which results in more sales & higher conversion rates. #3) Keyword research is the first step of every SEO, traffic, and lead-gen campaign. Without it - you're D.O.A. What are you waiting for? Enroll right now and discover how to increase your SEO and traffic by doing strategic keyword research the easy way. By finding longtail keyword terms you can ACTUALLY RANK FOR you can gain more website visitors and sales. Still Need More Reasons to Take This Course? You get lifetime access to course material. You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoughtfully! Get demos of the best social media research tools! --------------------------------------- About the Topic --------------------------------------- What is Hootsuite? Hootsuite is a social relationship software platform that empowers businesses to execute amazing social media strategies and activities across their organizations. Its vision is to revolutionize today’s communications. The company’s mission is to empower its customers to transform their messages into meaningful relationships. Based in Vancouver, Canada, this popular software company has over 500 staff located in its various offices: San Francisco, Vancouver, Hong Kong, New York, Sydney, London, Singapore, and other places. This leading firm provides a freemium model with basic features. Its product is utilized by at least 10 million users in over 175 countries. Hootsuite helps you to use the social web to execute marketing campaigns, spot and grow your audience, and send them targeted messages via multiple channels. Your team can utilize its social media dashboard to collaboratively schedule posts on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and other popular social sites via desktop, web, and mobile platforms. In addition, you can easily track industry trends and campaign results to tweak your strategies as you go. The Hootsuite dashboard has tabs that organize all the social profiles that you link with the application. Today, many businesses use their social profiles to provide customer support, offer personalized deals to followers, and motivate them to become repeat buyers of their products or services. Such companies can utilize Hootsuite to effortlessly manage multiple social profiles simultaneously. With the premium plans, you get advanced features such as security, team collaboration, audience engagement, and social analytics. Here are some reasons why you may want to consider using Hootsuite to manage your social network channels... 1) Monitor Multiple Streams in One Place Probably one of the most compelling reasons to use Hootsuite is the fact that it allows you to manage so many different social networks. Hootsuite currenty allows you to manage: Twitter Facebook Profiles & Pages LinkedIn Profiles & Pages Google+ Pages (not personal profiles) Foursquare Instagram WordPress blogs Vimeo, tumblr, evernote, flickr, mailchimp, slideshare, storify (via 3rd party apps) Many more! You can even add more than one of the same network. This can be useful if you manage multiple Twitter channels, or Facebook pages. You can even post to multiple channels at the same time. However do be careful here- think of the type of audience you have on each network. Your Facebook fans will be different to your Twitter followers. Also, Twitter only allows 140 characters where as Facebook allows much longer and richer posts with photos and videos. 2) You Have a Team Managing Your Social Media Empire If you have more than one person managing your business' social networks or you share the load with an outside social media management business, you may have encountered a number of issues in trying to keep on top of things. Firstly there is security- allowing other people to manage your Twitter account will mean sharing your Twitter password. Never a good thing! Secondly, how do you properly share the management of the various networks within a team? How do you know if a team member has already responded or in the process of responding to a message or status? The main reason I would recommend Hootsuite to a business will be Hootsuite's team management facility. Hootsuite allows you to delegate responses to different team members. For example if you receive 20 mentions in one day, the administrator can delegate each one to a different team member. When a team member is logged in, they'll see which tasks have been allocated to them and not make the mistake of responding to a status that has already been replied to. Another useful tool is Hootsuite's messaging feature which allows team members to send private messages to each other. This is particularly useful if your team members are located outside of the office (for example they work from home) Be aware that multiple team members can get expensive in Hootsuite. For medium to large businesses with a good marketing budget, this shouldn't be an issue, but smaller businesses may struggle. Firstly you need to have a Pro account which costs $9.99 per month. With a pro account, you get two team members. Each extra team member gets more expensive, and when you want to have more than 10 you'll need to get an Enterprise account. Hootsuite don't publish the prices of the Enterprise account but it is probably around the $1,500 per month mark. Here is a table that outlines how the pricing structure for teams works. 3) Managing Customer Service on Twitter Whether or not you should use Hootsuite to manage your social networks depends on the type of business you have as well as the reasons you have a social network presence in the first place. If your primary reason for a social presence is for managing customer service on Twitter, then Hootsuite probably will be the best tool for you. Mobile networks or Utility companies love Hootsuite as it allows them to delegate customer messages to different team members and these can be managed overall by an administrator. Another useful feature is that Hootsuite allows you to store draft messages that you can post when you receive a frequently asked question for example open hours or directions to your business. 4) You Want to Cross Post to Your Google+ Page Google's own social layer, Google+ is finally being seen as an important network for businesses to be using. Not only does it help with SEO and the authorship of your website or blog, but it has some amazing features that could help you reach your customers such as Communities and Hangouts. Currently the only way to post to your Google+ profile is by using the Google+ website or mobile app. When it comes to updating and managing your Google+ business page you have a bit more choice- and Hootsuite is a big winner here! The Google+ API is very limited in that it currently only supports pages and not personal profiles. Full access to the page API has only been given to a few partners, of which Hootsuite is one. Google+ management used to be available only in the $1500+ per month Hootsuite Enterprise plan. The good news is that it's now available to all, including free users. Pretty much all the Google+ features you'd expect are available, including posting to your circles, location, links and scheduling. If you add the update manually in Hootsuite it will also generate the full summary and thumbnail of the link. This is very important as it is will be more visible and will result in more click-throughs. Despite me not being a fan of the ow dot ly url shortener, the resulting post won't show the ow dot ly link in an obvious way, although it does say that the post was made via Hootsuite. Be careful though, if you bulk upload or connect an RSS feed to your Google+ page- you won't get the thumbnail or summary- just the text. With that in mind, I'd avoid automatically posting to your Google+ page via Hootsuite completely or only in special circumstances. 5) Completely Cross Platform I'm a great believer in making things cross-platform, although I do realise it's not always easy to achieve This is one advantage in making Hootsuite a web app- it's easy to make it work on Mac OSX, Windows, Linux and mobile platforms. Hootsuite indeed works on all modern browsers (of course you need an internet connection!), and it has a plethora of dedicated mobile apps to help you on the move. The only omission currently is an app for Windows Mobile since there are apps for the iPhone, iPad, Android and Blackberry. I must admit, I don't particularly enjoy using the Hootsuite mobile apps (at least the Android one which I've tried) but if you are managing your social networks as part of a team, you will be relying on the Hootsuite mobile apps, particularly for managing Twitter. The mobile Facebook app allows you to manage Facebook pages if you are an administrator without having to share any passwords. Unfortunately, Twitter doesn't have any administrative features, and so the only way to allow multiple people to manage a Twitter account is by sharing the password.That's not great from a security point of view and could potentially open up your Twitter account to abuse, especially if one of your team members were to leave the company. If your team members use one of the Hootsuite apps to manage your business' social networks, you no longer have to share any passwords for your social networks, since each member will be using their own Hootsuite account. 6) Get Free Reports by Email If you solely or mainly use Hootsuite to manage your Social networks, then you will find the weekly analytics report very useful. Each week, Hootsuite sends you an email with a pdf attachment of your click summaries. Hootsuite gives you graphs showing: Number of clicks per day Geographical information on the people clicking through Top referrers Most popular links The good news is that this is free for all users, and can be useful to give you a brief overview as to how you are doing on a weekly basis. Unfortunately the report will only work for you if you always use Hootsuite to manage your networks. This is because it tracks the click-throughs using Hootsuite's very own ow dot ly url shortener. If you use other apps such as the Twitter or Facebook websites or mobile apps, Buffer, IFTTT or TweetDeck, any click throughs will not be shown. Since I rarely use Hootsuite, my report was completely blank! 7) You Want to Connect Lots of Services Together One of the things that really appeals to me about Hootsuite is the sheer number of networks and apps that it supports. Although I advise against posting to multiple networks at once on a regular basis, it can work and can be a real time saver for small businesses. Hootsuite allows you to post a quick update (for example) to multiple Twitter accounts, Facebook profile and page, Google+ page, LinkedIn profile, company page and groups and more! This can be incredibly useful if you need to get a message out to your customers in an emergency. The scheduling features (using the new Hootlet feature) can be a very welcome time saver, and these also allow you to post to multiple networks at once. For more details, let's meet inside !
      Are you under pressure to sell tickets to your virtual or live event, don’t know where to start with social media advertising, scared of wasting money on ads, and can’t afford an agency? I get it. I used to be there as well. I remember trying to create ads for the first time and getting overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information on the internet, Facebook’s complicated Business Manager, and all the different objectives, ad types and strategies. I procrastinated, then I experimented, but I didn’t know what to look for so I didn’t know what was working or not working. That’s why I was so passionate about creating this course for you. If you want to expand your skills and learn how to set your event or business up for success long after this course, I’ll help you bypass the hurdles of creating your own successful ad campaigns. I share my screen and take you through the end to end process of marketing and selling your event using social media advertising. After taking this course you will: Be able to confidently attract more people and sell more tickets to your next event Successfully build and get your own ad campaign live on Facebook and Instagram Learn how to identify and target your desired audience Stop wasting money with Facebook and Instagram ads Know how to get a return on investment from your advertising budget Understand the key fundamentals required to build a high performing ad campaign Learn key hacks and insights from a top boutique agency that specialises in creating high performing ad campaigns for the event industry Be able to teach and pass on your knowledge to others in your team or organisation Whether you’re selling a virtual event or a live event, this course will provide you with all the tools you need to successfully sell more tickets to your next event. Take this course today, and begin your journey towards ads superstardom! This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
        “Discover How This 21 Year Old University Drop Out Used This Step By Step Formula To Grow His Instagram Following To Over 40,000 People In Just A Few Months" Dear Friend, If you’re reading this you’re probably one of the smartest people I know. Here’s why… If you want to have an engaged online following in the 21st century without going through all the struggle and nonsense that’s on the internet today leaving you nowhere, frustrated that you couldn’t do it yet again… This is one of the most important pieces of text you’ll ever read. But before that I want to make sure we're on the same page... This Is NOT For Everybody Why? Well, if you’re one of those people that don’t invest in themselves and thinks that spending money on a course that’s going to make you an expert in a skill is stupid... STOP Reading. This is definitely NOT for you. If you are one of those people that is looking for a quick fix, a get rich quick scheme, instead of wanting to build a real engaged following through social media... STOP READING. Again, this is NOT for you. If on the other hand, you want to know and become an expert in  social media, growing your audience and really impacting the world this is JUST FOR YOU . Now here comes the good part… How To Get Raving Fans, Have Fun And Travel The World... Here are some stats: Facebook has A SHOCKING 2 BILLION Users, YouTube has 1.5 BILLION Users and Instagram has 800 MILLION Users Amazing right? Social Media is getting bigger and bigger every year and a few ordinary people not that different or smarter than you and me all around the world have figured a sure fire way to use Social Media to make their life a dream... How? Imagine having 100,000 Instagram followers. Pretty cool right? But what’s even cooler is the IMPACT you can make by having those followers. See... Everyone has a message that they want to share with the world... And in my opinion... Everyone SHOULD share their message because it can change someone's life. But in today's world it's getting harder and harder... Why? There are more influencers than you can count and they have the right knowledge to build huge audiences of fans. With so many influencers, it's getting harder to get noticed in today's crowded marketplace. This is where this course comes in... In this course you will learn EVERYTHING you need in order to grow a big Instagram audience so you can share your message, become an influencer and of course... Change other people's lifes for the better. Here are just some of the things you'll learn: Why Waiting For Organic Growth Is A Path To Failure The EXACT Tools I Used To Grow My Personal Account To Over 40,000 Followers In Just A Few Months How To Growth "Hack" Instagram To Gain 1000 Followers  Every Single Week An Advanced Strategy To Gain 5000 Followers EVERY SINGLE WEEK How To Join Secret Instagram Engagement Groups With People Who Have 1,000,000+ Followers FOR FREE What Content To Post For Maximum Engagement How To Gain HUNDREDS Of Comments On Your Pictures The Dark Strategy Huge Brands Use To Go Viral Over Night That They Don't Want You To Know How I Amassed A Total Of Over 500,000 Followers Across All Of My Accounts And Much Much More... So if you want to learn ALL OF THIS today... Purchase the course NOW because I might increase the price in the future!
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          Social Media Smackdown for Artists and Entrepreneurs is a cheeky, no-nonsense boot-camp for creative people who are struggling with being heard over the deafening roar of the internet. Jamie Benson, Social Media Manager for the CUNY Dance Initiative, leads a quick-and-dirty training on all things social for participants with a beginning to intermediate level of experience. Twenty three fun, instructional videos, averaging 5 minutes in length, will… "smackdown" common self-promotional hurdles provide psychological insight on becoming an “influencer” fix the top 6 cringe-worthy mistakes most people make zero in on where to start with social analytics and advertising empower via Facebook/Linked-In Groups and Twitter Lists and more, much more The course is designed to be easily digested in under a month (one video challenge per day) but can be achieved in an ambitious weekend if the student makes time and is motivated. A challenging, tough-love approach is mitigated by a relentless sense of humor with the goal of abolishing bad social habits and inspiring a new “big-picture” outlook on fledgling creative ventures. Jamie Benson, an artist and entrepreneur himself, has 10 years experience working in public relations, as well as successfully promoting his own art. He understands what this creative demographic requires in order to revolutionize their digital empires. Those taking this course will be dared to better stand out in their respective fields and given the tools to more fully express the immense value they contribute to society.
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            "Discover The Secret Social Media Marketing Strategies You Can Use To Gain Thousands Of Followers And Make Money" Here are just some of the things you'll learn when you purchase this course: The Exact Tools I Used To Grow My Facebook Page Why Facebook Is Limiting Your Reach And How To Play The Game My Secret "Facebook Light Speed Method" That Can Grow ANY PAGE To 10,000 Followers In 24-48 Hours How To Create VIRAL Facebook Content EFFORTLESSLY That Gets Shared And Gains You Followers How I Grew My Twitter Account To 2000 Followers In Less Than A WEEK How I Create Viral Tweets That Make Me A TON Of Money The Secret Technique Behind VIRAL YouTube Videos How I Rank YouTube Videos In ONE DAY And Gain Thousands Of Views The EXACT Strategy I Used To Get 20,000 Subscribers For One Of My Clients In Less Than One Month How To Create Infinite YouTube Videos FAST And you get ALL of this for less than the price of a breakfast in Starbucks? Yup, that's right. Purchase the course now because I might increase the price soon!
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              Come with me on a journey to Productivity Hacks for social media management. Start saving hours on your marketing efforts. Did you know that we waste 6hours and 48min weekly on social media management ? We do this because we don't have the RIGHT tools, systems or processes in place. This course will help you become more productive and efficient on social media marketing activities. You will be able to create, curate, schedule and post content in matter of minutes. This is what you will learn in this course Understand the time spent on social media management and importance of productivity Productivity hacks for social media content creation, curation and scheduling Over 20 tools that I have tested and use on daily basis How to create a social media report in minutes Crazy social media automation tools to save you hours of time My social media management system as a template By using the same tools and systems, I have created a social media marketing agency and we have worked with 100+ clients. I will show you the exact tools and processes that I have tested and mastered. If you use social media channels for personal or business use, this is the course for you. This course also comes with a 30day money back guarantee so there is nothing to lose. Enroll now and I will see you on the inside!
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                CHATFUEL CHATBOT MASTERCLASS COURSE LAST UPDATED : 05/11/2018 Would you like to learn how to use chatfuel to build highly engaging facebook messenger chatbots ? Did you just say "How Can I Make Money From Facebook Messenger Chatbots "? Are you wondering how to monetize your chatbot knowledge? Are you a chatbot owner who is looking to learn more about chatbot revenue models ? If you said Yes to any of the above questions. Then this course, Chatfuel Masterclass - How To Build & Make Money From Chatbot is for you! You may get a lot of value from taking this course now. You've got a down to approach with me sharing how I personally build great chatbots with chatfuel without coding. ================================================================================. Join 3300+ students who have enrolled for my courses here on udemy as well as many five star student reviews. Please, click on the Buy Now button to gain lifetime access to this course instantly ! Act on your feeling of love, hope & faith to enroll in my course now while it's still fresh in your heart! WHY YOU NEED TO ENROLL FOR THIS COURSE: => You would learn (step by step) how I build highly converting facebook messenger chatbots with chatfuel => Learn how a guy like you made $800k from building 400+ chatbots within a year and how you too can do the same => Learn how to make money from different chatbot businesses I would reveal to you if you enroll for this course. => Learn about different ways you can get paid as a chatbot builder. => Learn the different revenue models you can start implementing on your chatbots starting from today. => Learn how to massively grow your chatbot subscribers for FREE. => Learn how to engage your chatbot subscribers the right way. => You would learn how you too can benefit from the chatbot revolution and the best revenue models for chatbots in 2018. My goal is to create the most comprehensive, easy to follow and step by step guide on how to build & make money from facebook messenger bot here on udemy. Enroll for this course today and have exclusive access to all the current videos and all other upcoming contents. Want to what others students are saying about this course? Martins : Nice course from a good and friendly instructor. Recommended Wasiu : Great course, no time wasting straight to the point and informative. Babatunde : It's absolutely amazing! A+++ Samuel : Awesome course! It is full of valuable materials and amazing ideas to get the most out of Chatbots. Definitely would recommend this course to anyone who's looking to get Chatbots to another level! Thanks Jamiu, and keep up the great work! Minh : Great course! Thank you so much. Ahmed : It was well spelt out and explanatory Fatimot : The course is super credible, Marketing Automation is very powerful. I feel overwhelmed after the class i've been explosive and gingered. Jamiu! you're simply amazing, a very big thank you for this wonderful course it was indeed a great job. Ismail : This is best course I will recommend for any one willing to learn chatbot and make his/her cool money. Well done to the great instructor the person of OLOYEDE JAMIU Mariam : The course is great, it just simplify what needs to be done AbdulJaleel : Excellent. I just need to watch again and practise more. Are you still having second thoughts? In addition to my personal guarantee, you have UDEMY'S 30 Days - 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE if you buy this course and within 30 days, if you feel it doesn't live up to its promises, your money back, no questions asked. Sign up today and get INSTANT access to all the videos within the course. See you in the chatfuel chatbot course Your sincerely. Jamiu Oloyede.
                  The most comprehensive 'ground level-up' marketing for Periscope course available online. Generate huge amounts of untapped (free) traffic, leads and sales for your online websites, products and services with a simple tap of your smartphone's screen. In this course you'll learn: Why Periscope Live Video Broadcasting is the best source of free, targeted, worldwide web traffic today How to easily setup, install & navigate the Periscope app (both iOS and Android) How you can build your following with the perfect profile How to increase your response rates by using Periscope inbuilt notification system getting more viewers each time you broadcast How to make the most of your "make or break" initial scope (doing this right will build the best foundation for massive follower growth) The 4 important keys to crafting a compelling, audience grabbing title The 9 types of broadcasts you can use to hone your message and get the ideal response Exactly WHEN you should be broadcasting for maximum response How to turn negative/nasty broadcasts into something your viewers will keep watching & come back for more Discover the best time (and ways) to ask for hearts, followers & shares Learn how to properly interact and engage with comments Crafting & deploying your elevator pitch multiple times in your scope How to block the 'trolls' This course is specifically targeted for online entrepreneurs, website owners, bloggers, artists, coaches and public figures to maximize your online marketing using the Periscope platform. Throughout this course we will discuss the implications and practical application of live video streaming in your business, but to make things even more beneficial for you, we have also included specific marketing training so that you can learn how to: Turn every broadcast into an opportunity for solid calls to action Expand your social media following on all platforms Properly use cross-promotion to increase your followers, leads & sales Automate half of your broadcasts, using a free (hyper powerful) software tool Get your Periscope viewers onto your email marketing list Turn your Periscope audience into cold, hard cash 'Exploit' popular trends to increase your Periscope following Turn your scopes into a rich source of evergreen content 6 action steps to get you started today ...and much, much more! My team and I have been developing marketing tools and teaching training strategies for better online marketing for almost 10 years, generating multiple 7 figures in product sales and affiliate marketing income. We've been diving wholeheartedly into live video streaming, with Periscope being the fastest and easiest way to get a fresh source of traffic - within seconds of hitting the broadcast button. It's a simple strategy that anyone can follow, whether you are just starting out, or have an established business and want to benefit from this growing marketplace - which is why we have created this course, to help you to jump aboard and leverage this booming phenomenon. Within two hours you will know everything you need to know to market anything you choose, using the Periscope site and app like a pro! I look forward to having you join us and connecting with you as we make our way through the course - so join up today and let's get started! To your online success, Cindy Battye & The Wildfire Concepts Team P.S. If you are eager to get started it's super easy, just scroll to the top and click "Take this Course". See you soon!
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                    Tormented by Twitter? Flummoxed by Facebook? Intimidated by Instagram? Social Media Marketing is a minefield in 2021, and it's hard to know where to turn or what to do. With over half a million Twitter followers, Elise Quevedo is a true expert in the field of social media. She is the author of 'Creating a Kick-Ass Attitude', an International Keynote Speaker and is one of the most sought after Social Media Strategists in the world. She has been voted 'Top 100 Entrepreneurs to Follow on Twitter' , and is currently in the Top 50, with individuals like Richard Branson, Mike Bloomberg, Bill Rancic, Robert Kiyosaki, Peter Jones, Ivanka Trump and Martha Stuart. In 2014 she was also honored with the Top Women in e-commerce award. In this rapid-fire introductory course she will explain: - The Social Media Revolution and what it means for you - The Dos and Dont's of popular platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest & YouTube - The Golden Rules of Social Media and how to Optimise for Success So what are you waiting for? Let Elise teach you how to Dominate Social Media in 2021